(Excerpted from VRID)
NMRID accepts and welcomes donations from interested parties in order to support and sustain our programs. Our donations assist in supporting workshops to enhance our interpreting profession, help reduce the cost of workshops and our biannual conference, provide funding for our awards and scholarship program, and assist with the maintenance of NMRID.
Donations can be accepted online through PayPal or sending a check or money order payable to NMRID.
Pay Online:
Following by clicking the below button will jump to PayPal’s Donation form. Please to complete the form in order to pay us. Your information will be secured and private.
By Mailing:
If you would like to mail your donation, please provide information on our donation form and mail the form and donation to:
P.O. Box 30611
Albuquerque, NM 87190
If you have any questions regarding donations, please contact our Treasurer at treasurernmrid@gmail.com.