
  • Simply fill out our online membership form, and pay the membership dues online. If you prefer, you can download the form and mail it, with a check, to ATTN: Membership, PO Box 30611, Albuquerque, NM 87190.
  • Membership categories (for a more detailed explanation of our membership categories please see our Bylaws here:
  • Student: Students of Interpreter Training Programs.
  • Associate: Pre-certified interpreters.
  • Certified: Certified interpreters,
  • Organizational: Organizations and businesses who support NMRID
  • Supporting: Members who are not interpreters.

Joining a committee: To join a committee, you must be an NMRID member. If you are interested in serving a particular committee, please email the chair of that committee to find out if there is an opening. (Add link to the committee list)

Serving on the Board of Directors: Directors serve 2 year terms and elections for the Board of Directors are held on odd biennial years. In order to run for a board position, candidates must be members in good standing. For more information about board service see our bylaws.

If you would like to add information to the NMRID calendar, please contact our secretary at: Be sure to include:

Event Name


Start time & End time



New to Interpreting

Licensure is given by Certification is given by RID (Registry of Interpretation for the Deaf).

To gain certification from RID, an interpreter must meet certain educational and performance testing standards.

Provisionally licensed interpreters have completed a degree program in interpreting, but have not yet achieved certification.

Those holding a community license have achieved RID generalist certification.

Interpreters who have an educational interpreting license have achieved RID Ed: k-12 certification.

Licensure is specific to the state of New Mexico You may find more information on our licensure page.

Certification is currently undergoing changes. You can find up to date information on RID certification on our certification page.

Yes! The state of New Mexico has many programs to help interpreters improve their skills. New Mexico Mentoring is an interpreting mentoring program that guides interpreters through a curriculum. Compass Mentoring is an interpreting mentoring program where interpreters can work on their own specific goals with a mentor. Many interpreting agencies and school systems also have internships or mentoring opportunities for interpreters. Of course, NMRID frequently offers workshops and book clubs for signed language interpreters. Look on our website or Facebook page for upcoming opportunities.

Working with Interpreters

Licensure is required for interpreters in the state of New Mexico. You may ask to see an interpreter’s license at any time. Individuals who practice as interpreters, but do do hold a New Mexico license face up to a $1000 fine and/or up to 364 days in jail.

Types of licenses:

Provisional Licensees: Pre-certified individuals who are working toward certification and Educational or Community Licensure. They have 5 year to obtain credentials and can work in both Educational and Community settings as appropriate under the National Association of the Deaf-Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (NAD-RID) Code of Professional Conduct.

Educational Licensees: Individuals who are certified to work in K-12 educational settings. They may work in K-12 educational settings as appropriate under the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct.

Community Licensees: Individuals who are certified to work in community settings. They may work in K-12 and postsecondary educational settings, as well as other community settings as appropriate under the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct.

Research shows that after 20 minutes, the quality of an interpretation starts to deteriorate because of mental and physical fatigue. Therefore, on longer or more technical assignments, it is standard practice to have two interpreters take turns during assignments.

We recommend first approaching an interpreter directly with your concerns before filing a formal grievance. If that is not successful, we also recommend you try contacting the supervisor at the agency who sent the interpreter. If you are unable to resolve your concern, there are two options for filing a grievance. For RID certified interpreters, you may file a grievance with RID through the Ethical Practice Sytem on RID’s website. For New Mexico interpreters who do not have RID certification, you may file a complaint with the signed language interpreting licensure board.