NMRID Meetings

NMRID Meetings

**Jan 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes**
Call to Order
NMRID board members held a meeting on January 14, 2023 at 9:30am MST virtually via zoom.

Voting Members
• Jessica Eubank
• Melissa Leslie-Urist
• Kaelin Tonrey
• Ashley Wachter
• Aly Valdez
• Kaylee Fragoso

Not in Attendance
• SequioaRae Zuniga

Approval of the Agenda Minutes
The board approved the agenda for the current meeting as well as the minutes from the last board meeting on Nov 12, 2022.

• Motion by Eubank and seconded by Wachter that NMRID work with New Mexico Shakespeare Festival (NMSF)_to collaborate on finding interpreters and sponsoring professional development for interpreters willing to work the 2023 Festival. The motion passed.
• Motion by Eubank and seconded by Valdez that NMRID perform a risk/benefit analysis on the possibility of establishing a pro bono scheduling committee and discuss the results at the board meeting. The motion passed.
• Motion by Eubank and seconded by Fragoso that the next NMRID board meeting be held Saturday, April 1st at 9:30 am MST on Zoom. The motion passed.
• Motion by Leslie-Urist and seconded that NMRID board move into executive session. The motion passed and the board entered executive session at 10:55am.

The Executive Board moved out of the executive session at 11:26 am and Tonrey announced that while in the executive session, the board passed a motion by Leslie-Urist that NMRID contract with the three contacted agencies: COPD, RGCA, and Sorenson Community for interpreting needs.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:28 am MST.

**Nov 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes**
Call to Order
NMRID board members held a meeting on November 12, 2022 at 9:30am MST virtually via zoom.

Voting Members
• Jessica Eubank
• Melissa Leslie-Urist
• Kaelin Tonrey
• Ashley Wachter
• Aly Valdez
• Kaylee Fragoso
• SequioaRae Zuniga

Introduction of Officers and Region IV Representative
• Region IV representative Justin Buckhold discussed recent changes to RID from a member run organization to a professional organization. RID also made the decision to switch from physical membership cards to the use of Credly.

• Motion by Eubank and seconded by Leslie-Urist that NMRID create a budget that can be used to create Deaf Blind interpreting training by partnering with the Community Outreach Program for the Deaf. The motion passed.
• Motion by Leslie-Urist and seconded by Wachter that the board approve her reaching out to Dexter Jones to request additional training and working with Treasurer Wachter to determine an appropriate budget for said training. The motion passed.
• Motion by Wachter and seconded by Fragoso that NMRID board adopt the FY 22 report. The motion passed.
• Motion from Wachter and seconded by Valdez that NMRID board contacts non-profit local agency 501(C)PA to inquire services and cost regarding FY23 Finance handling and taxes. The motion passed.
• Motion from Eubank and seconded by Fragoso that Vice President Leslie-Urist reach out to local interpreting agencies to request the costs for interpreter contracts to be discussed at the next NMRID board meeting. The motion passed.
• Motion from Eubank and seconded by Leslie-Urist that the next NMRID Board meeting be held virtually Saturday January 14th at 9:30am. The motion passed.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35am MST.
